Friday, March 14, 2008

Summer is in the air

Are you ready for the summer? hmmp! not me! I am not ready for 100 plus degrees summer in Arizona but i can't stop it so i better get over it. duh! You can feel that it's almost here cause it's 80 plus degrees and it's warm under the sun it's seems that we gonna pass spring again... as usual. In winter time you forgot how it feels in summer cause it's nice and cold and you'll love Arizona and a lot of people loved Arizona in winter but when summer's come gosh it's very opposite. Gosh!! i really really have to get over it, alot of my workmates were born and raised in here and they were excited for the summer. It's not that really terrible in here i probably just exaggerating it... Arizona has alot to offer aside from nice winter and hot summer it's a nice place to leave and it's a low cost of living. Check us out in here you might like it alot of retired people are living here in Arizona.

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