Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Significant other

Have you read the book entitle "for woman only" by Shaunti Feldhahn? It's for woman only, what you need to know the inner lives of a man. It is an interesting book, my mother inlaw gave it to me when they came down and visit us. I just started reading it and i already learned alot, in the book they conduct a survey on what's going on on man's inner life. It's so interesting book, we knew that male and female are alot different, most women are emotional and uses their heart most of the time and men were strong they have alot of strenght than a woman but in mental capacity i could say it's equal. Now a days men and women have an equal rights, it used to be men were leaders, the workers, the providers but in our modern time now women are given equality as a men. But in inner lives, men are always a men alot different than a women and sometimes misunderstood. It says that " men would rather feel alone and unloved than inadequate and disrespected", based on their survey on the book 74% of men chooses to be alone and unloved and 26% chooses to be inadequate and disrespected. Treat them as a man even if there is equality now a days, don't level them as a woman they were still the head of the family even if you are more educated than he is or you earn more than he is, he is still the head of the family and way way higher than a woman. If everybody is gonna be like this i bet everybody gonna have a happy family and less separation and divorce gonna happen. Just a thought... well, i'll let you know on what else i'm going learn from this book.

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