Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beating the Heat

We are in AZ baby! Most of the time during summer is 110 degrees and up so we are trying to beat the heat as much as we can without using too much electricity. We are only using AC on the living room most of the time cause our daughter always in there playing and the rest part is off and on if needed and fan if not really needed and if we are in that room. I hate surprises when it comes to our electric bill so we conserve as much as we can. Yesterday probably is so hot(I'm not checking weather all the time cause i get tired of it) cause every summer i am only using cold water all the way in the shower and that was the 1st time this summer that my cold water shower is warm. So frustrating cause i am so looking forward for my cool refreshing shower. Maybe one of this day went to a cool refreshing lake or pool for a dip and drink as much as cold water and bring some whenever were going out. From the house to the car your make-up is already melting and your body get sweaty already before the car AC starts cooling that's how hot it is in here.

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