Friday, November 7, 2008


Why and how asparagus is one of an aphrodisiac food? Based on the book "INTER COURSES" an aphrodisiac cookbook it says:
"These stately stalks first received their aphrodisiac status from the Doctrine of Signatures. Also known as the Law of Similarities, this theory says that if one thing looks like or is reminiscent of another, then it will improve or aid that which it looks like. So if food looks sexual, then the Doctrine of Signatures says it is meant to improve or aid sex. And indeed, asparagus is a beautiful (albeit slender) phallic symbol. The great French lovers of yesteryear dined on three courses of it on the night before the wedding. According to Diane Ackerman in A Natural History of Love, the legendary Hollywood lover of all lovers, Richard Burton, deemed the stalks lascivious. Today we know that asparagus is packed with potassium, phosphorous, calcium and vitamin E and offers the love-hungry extra energy, a well-working urinary tract and kidneys, and a natural dose of a "sex vitamin" necessary for increased hormone production.


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