Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Glance of Globe AZ

Last Wednesday we drove to Globe AZ, it's unplanned drive and it's already afternoon 1pm. We always talked about it anyways and i don't know what gotten into our head. Might be boredom and heat. It's not too long of a drive maybe 1 1/2 hrs or 2 with some sightseeng and stopping we get there like 3. I liked Superior AZ, it's a very nice small town. A beautiful set up, a tiny town surrounded by mountains. Before Globe there is Miami,i don't really care. And Globe, not so much as i liked Superior but cooler weather than Phoenix and it went down as it gets late in the afternoon. We get to walk outside and do some sightseeing not to get hurry to go back in the car because of the heat and temperature gets down as it goes to the night. Very nice place and we sure do going back in there again and making sure i charge my camera battery. We've enjoyed our short outing and having fun sightseeing. I have some few pictures before the battery went dead.

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