Friday, June 19, 2009





SWINE - Boar, Peccary, Pig (Hog), Bacon, Ham, Lard, Pork

CANINE - Coyote, Dog, Fox, Hyena, Jackal, Wolf

FELINE - Cat, Cheetah, Leopard, Lion, Panther, Tiger

EQUINE - Donkey, Horse, Mule, Onager, Quagga, Zebra

MISCINE MUNIMUS - Badger, Coney, Hare, Monkey, Opossum, Porcupine, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel

MISCINE MAXIMUS - Bear, Camel, Elephant, Gorilla, Hippo, Kangaroo, Lama, Rhino, Wallaby


WATER CREATURES, lacking fins and scales

FISH - Catfish, Eel, Marlin, Shark, Sturgeon

HARD BODY - Abalone, Clam, Crab, Crayfish, Lobster, Mussel, Prawn, Oyster, Scallop, Shrimp

SOFT BODY - Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Limpet, Octopus, Squid

SEA MAMMALS - Dolphin, Otter, Seal, Walrus, Whale

OTHERS - Crocodile, Turtle, Frog, Newt, Salamander, Toad, Lizard



Albatross, Bat, Bittern, Condor, Cormorant, Crane, Crow, Cuckoo, Eagle, Flamingo, Grosbeak, Gull, Hawk, Heron, Kite, Lapwing, Loon, Osprey, Ostrich, Owl, Pelican, Penguin, Plover, Raven, Stork, Swallow, Swan, Swift, Vulture, Water Hen, Woodpecker



CATTLE - Beef, Hamburger, Veal

SHEEP - Lamb, Mutton

OTHERS - Antelope, Buffalo (Bison), Caribou, Deer (Venison), Elk, Gazell, Giraffe, Goat, Hart, Ibex, Moose, Reindeer, Locust



Anchovy, Bass, Bluefish, Carp, Cod, Croppie, Flounder, Grouper, Grunt, Haddock, Halibut, Herring, Mackerel, Minnow, Perch, Pickerel, Pike, Rockfish, Salmon, Shad, Smelt, Snapper, Sole, Steelhead, Sunfish, Tarpon, Tuna (Albacore, Bonita, Yellowtail)



Chickens, Dove, Duck, Goose, Grouse, Guinea Pig, Patridge, Peacock, Pheasant, Pigeon, Songbird, Sparrow, Quail, Turkey


For more on God's Law on "Clean and Unclean" foods see Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to Spot Counterfeit Money

"This is an interesting one.I used to be a cashier one time and one time a guy approaching me paying a fake 50 dollar bill. By the time that i held the money and inspecting it closely i know it is fake. I didn't tell him that it's fake but i just told him that i'm going to call my manager. But before i get hold to my manager he grab his money and get out in the store fast. His one of those people who think he can fool people and this one is a great help on how to spot fake money."

It used to be that spotting a “good” counterfeit bill was impossible for ordinary people. If it was good enough to pass the “look and feel” test, then it was going to take an ultra-violet light or a magnetic ink detector. But for the past ten years, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing has been making bills that are easy to check.

The amount of counterfeit money in the US is low enough that most people feel safe taking money with barely a minimal check for counterfeits. Does it look and feel like money? Then it probably is. But have you ever gotten a bill where something—either the bank note or the person giving it to you—seemed a little off? Ever wished you could quickly check to see if it was good? Well, here’s how.

Step 1) Look and Feel
This is as far as most people go, and it’s good enough most of the time. US bank notes are printed on special paper that’s 75 percent cotton and 25 percent linen. The linen gives it an extra stiffness that’s distinctive. There are also red and blue fibers imbedded in the paper. Bank notes are printed with a process called “intaglio” that leaves ink on top of the paper, giving the money a distinctive texture. The printing is also very high quality, so the lines are sharp and clear, not broken, fuzzy, or blobby.

Step 2) Color-Shifting Ink
Bank notes bigger than the $5 bill use color-shifting ink to print the number showing the denomination in the lower-right-hand corner. Just look at the numbers head-on, and then from an angle. For genuine notes the color will shift (copper-to-green or green-to-black).

You can get this far pretty discreetly. The look and feel you’re checking automatically as soon as the bill is handed to you, and you can confirm the color-shifting ink in a quick glance. Going further will require that you hold the note up to the light, which is basically saying that you think you might have gotten counterfeit money. A lot of people hesitate to do that, but it’s the next step if you want to be sure.

Step 3) Watermark
All bills bigger than a $2 now have a watermark; hold the bill up to the light to see it. For the $10, $20, $50, and $100, the image matches the portrait. You can use the watermark to spot bills that have been bleached and reprinted with a higher denomination. The watermark is part of the paper and is visible from the rear of the note as well.

Step 4) Security Thread
All bills bigger than a $2 have a security thread running vertically through the bill. Like the watermark, you hold the bill up to the light to see it. The thread has text with the bill’s denomination and an image that is unique to that denomination. The different denominations have the threads in different places, again so you can spot bills that have been bleached and reprinted with a higher denomination. (The threads also glow different colors under ultraviolet light, but that’s not much help to ordinary folks.)

Genuine Bills
That’s it. If a bill:

•Looks and feels like a US bank note
•Has color-shifting ink
•Has a watermark that matches the portrait
•And has a security thread with text that matches the denomination
Then it’s almost certainly a genuine bill.

What about older bills?
There are still some old bills around, from before these security features were added (starting in 1996). Now that it’s been more than ten years, it’s about time to simply refuse to accept old bills. Bills that old, that are still in circulation—especially high-denomination bills—are much too likely to be counterfeit. If it is genuine, the holder can easily enough take it to the bank and get some new currency, so your refusing to take it is no burden on an an innocent holder of old but genuine currency.

More info
If you’re interested in this sort of thing (the way I am), here are some other pages worth checking out:

•The US Secret Service page on spotting counterfeit money: This page covers spotting counterfeits the old-fashioned way, without using the security features of modern bills.
•The How Stuff Works article How Counterfeiting Works: This page actually walks you through making your own counterfeit with a scanner and a color printer. It explains why it’s harder than it looks and how most counterfeiters are usually caught and sent to prison for a long time.
•An article from the St. Louis Federal Reserve—Currency Design in the United States and Abroad: Counterfeit Deterrence and Visual Accessibility: On how different countries have tried to optimize the trade-offs between fighting counterfeiting, making their money accessible to people with limited vision, and making the money easy for banks and other high-volume users of currency to handle.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kennedy Health Plan

This is a great news for all American people an affordable health insurance. Not all American are rich and paying health insurance over here could damage your monthly pay cause it cost a lot. A lot of people in America doesn't have health insurance and who's gonna support them if they get sick still the government or a public or private sector who helps poor people. Even those people who has jobs both husband and wife working don't have any insurance cause it is so expensive. Try calling any insurace company and they'll quote you for tons. Yup you are in America you think everything is easy and affordable but i could say it is more stressful over here.

This one i like their ideas and one thing is great about this if they could go ahead and deduct it on the paycheck. It is so nice to hear that they gave importance about this matter now.

Kennedy health plan includes long-term care

WASHINGTON – Americans would be able to buy long-term care insurance from the government for $65 a month under a provision tucked into sweeping health care legislation that senators will begin considering next week.

The 651-page bill, released Tuesday by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., would revamp the way health insurance works. Insurance companies would face a slew of new government rules, dealing with everything from guaranteed coverage for people with health problems to possible limitations on profits. Taxpayers, employers and individuals would share in the cost of expanding coverage to nearly 50 million uninsured Americans.

Release of the bill by Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Democrats came as lawmakers at both ends of the Capitol accelerated their drive to enact health care legislation. House Democratic leaders also outlined a proposal, but offered only limited details.

Both plans omitted specifics on how to cover the costs, which could exceed $1 trillion over 10 years. Given the uncertainty as well as the political sensitivity over raising taxes or cutting Medicare, Senate Republicans prodded Democrats to fill in the blanks before the scheduled beginning of committee work next week.

A first-ever tax on employer-provided health benefits figures prominently among financing options under consideration in Congress, but President Barack Obama campaigned against that last year and its inclusion would require him to reverse course. Obama has proposed $634 billion in tax increases and spending cuts as a down payment on the plan and is soon expected to outline an additional $300 billion in Medicare and Medicaid cuts.

Kennedy's long-term care plan is designed to help disabled people pay for support services that would allow them to remain in their own homes and avoid moving into nursing homes. People would enroll in the program during their working years and begin paying premiums. To collect benefits, a person would have had to pay premiums for at least five years.

The benefit would be modest — not less than $50 a day — but it could be used to cover a wide range of services.

Prospects for the long-term care provision are uncertain, but Kennedy's advocacy may sway other lawmakers. For Kennedy, who is being treated for brain cancer, health care legislation would be the crowning achievement of a long and productive career.

At their core, the partial draft bill released by Senate Democrats and an outline circulated by senior House Democrats were largely identical.

Individuals would be able to purchase insurance through a new federally regulated national exchange, and private companies would be barred from denying coverage or charging higher premiums because of pre-existing conditions. Those who are satisfied with their current coverage could keep it.

Both bills would require individuals to purchase insurance if they could afford it. Waivers would be available in hardship cases. The Senate measure provides for an unspecified penalty for anyone refusing to obey the so-called mandate, and House Democrats are considering a similar approach.

In both the House and Senate, Democrats want to provide subsidies to families with incomes well into the middle class. One option under the Senate plan would phase out subsidies at about $110,000 for a family of four.

House Democrats also are said to be considering a wide-ranging change for Medicaid that would provide a uniform benefit across all 50 states and increase payments to providers. Medicaid is a joint state-federal program of health coverage for the poor.

The Senate plan would allow children to stay on the parents' insurance until age 26.

On a particularly contentious point, the emerging House plan would give people the option of buying insurance provided by the federal government.

Democrats on the Senate committee embraced a similar provision last week but omitted it from Tuesday's draft in what Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., said was a gesture to Republicans who oppose it.

Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., the top Republican on the committee, responded derisively. He said Democrats did so "because they know we're not going to like what they've written and they don't want us to have any time to comment."

Senate Republicans on two committees most involved with health care urged Democrats not to move ahead without detailed cost information. "Paying for health reform in a responsible and sustainable way may be the most single difficult element of our efforts," they wrote.

But after months of preliminary effort, Democrats made clear they intend to move ahead on their own timetable, one that calls for passage of legislation in the House and Senate by early August. A final compromise would wait for September or later in the fall, according to a schedule the party's leadership established weeks ago.

"This is the year we have to do it," said Rep. Henry Waxman, the California Democrat who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Waxman was one of several senior Democrats who outlined proposed legislation to the party's rank and file during the day.

Numerous senior Democrats now aging and ailing have worked their entire careers on health care, but no one is more identified with the issue than Kennedy, first elected to the Senate in 1964. In a poignant announcement Tuesday, Dodd said Kennedy, diagnosed a year ago with a brain tumor, will be unable to attend the working sessions of the health committee he chairs beginning next week.